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Surgical Care

There are several situations when surgical intervention is appropriate.
  1. When conservative care fails.
  2. When the situation presents as a health risk to the patient not to proceed with surgery.
  3. When a deformity is both painful and severe enough to warrant surgery as a first line of intervention.
We offer in-office procedures, out-patient hospital procedures and in-patient hospital procedures for our patients.  In-office procedures are done under straight local anesthesia and hospital procedures are done under straight local, light sedation or general anesthesia depending on what is most appropriate for each patient's situation.
In-Office procedures include:
  • Toenail:  Removal for deformity, fungus, acute & chronic ingrown nails, infections, abscesses and hematomas from acute injuries.
  • Skin lesion biopsy and removal:  Includes warts and unknown skin lesions.
  • Tenotomy:  Simple (percutaneous) tendon release of a toe.
  • Ganglion cyst aspiration:  Simple draining of a cyst.
  • Foreign body removal
Hospital-based procedures include:
  • Deformities:  Bunions, tailor's bunions, hammertoes, bone spurs, congenital deformities, acquired deformities, fracture repair, etc.
  • Joint arthritis:  Simple joint clean out and spur removal, joint implants and replacements, joint fusions.
  • Infection management:  Ranges from incision & drainage to amputations and limb salvage procedures.
  • Cysts & Tumors
  • Revisional surgeries:  Whether you have had a surgery one year ago or 50 years ago, somewhere in Dayton or somewhere far away, or because you ran into some bad luck with complications, a poor or undesired result may need to be corrected.  
Dr. Greenberg carries hospital and surgical privileges at KHN and PHP facilities.
Active Staff:  Kettering, Sycamore, Grandview, Southview Medical Centers.
Courtesy Staff:  Miami Valley and Miami Valley South Hospitals.
The vast majority of Dr. Greenberg's hospital surgeries are elective, outpatient cases that are done under light sedation and require a very short period of time in the hospital outpatient department.  Post operative pain management is not usually a problem for our patients who typically require very little pain medication.  Preoperative care will include a surgical consultation, full written and verbal instructions, surgical drawings of planned procedures and imaging (x-ray, MRI) reviews if applicable.  All procedures are checked for insurance benefits and precertified, if required by your insurance plan.  You will always be informed of your insurance benefit coverage of surgeon's charges by our staff prior to any procedure scheduling.  We take great care to ensure that you are well informed of your benefit coverage, the procedure(s) being performed and the expectations and plan for after-care of your surgery.
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